iPad Hero Top 5 App Picks for 2018

Having an iPad is the beginning of a fun experience indeed, but if you want to fully maximize your user experience, having the right apps installed in your device is a must.

Many times, users are simply overwhelmed with choosing apps from the App Store as there are thousands available for download or purchase. It can pose quite a challenge for those who do not know the most practical ones with the best features and deliver the most value when used.

That said, iPad Hero did the search for you, and here are 5 FREE apps that we recommend that could truly make your iPad experience better.

1. Find My Friends App

Simply put, this app allows you to track the location of a contact and vice versa. Let’s say you want to know if someone (maybe your kids or family members) arrived home safely, you can easily see and monitor their current location on your device.

If you also like giving your family members the peace of mind of letting them know your whereabouts, then this would be a great app to activate and use together.

It also comes in handy when traveling, as you can share and track each other’s location during a trip or vacation, and efficiently locate each other as needed.

These functions can be enabled or disabled at a simple click of a button, and customized according to whom you want to share your present location.

2. iBooks

If you love reading, and would appreciate having all your books at the palm of your hand, then iBooks is the perfect app for you. iBooks offers free reads, free samples from books you want to checkout and in-app purchases should you feel the need to get a copy of a new read.

It is optimized to give a convenient reading experience while reading from the screen of your iPad. It also allows you to highlight and mark text, and bookmark the last page where you left off reading.

The idea of having a library at the palm of your hands spells mobility and efficiency at its best. This is definitely a must-have app for all voracious readers out there.

3. Good Rx

Health expenses are a priority for most, and getting the best prices for prescription drugs could really come in handy. Price comparisons are one of this app’s best features, so patients can be more informed with what options they have available for them and also consult their physicians about it.

The app also features pharmacy discounts and coupons for its users which allow additional savings before spending more on your next trip to buy something. Its streamlined information is extremely useful for all who have health and medications up on their priority list.

 4. Lumosity

Lumosity is one of the best reviewed apps for daily brain exercises. It features highly engaging mini-games and exercises specifically designed by its team of neuroscientists, psychologists and game developers. It even has a feature for led meditation, a good practice for those who want to tune out the world, focus on one’s personal awareness, attention, and breathing.

Though its free version offers many activities altogether, users have the option to unlock more by purchasing full-access to other games and exercises. It is a great app to use daily and exercise memory, cognition and other vital brain functions.

5. AARP Now App

Boasting a membership of more than 38 million to date, AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) is one of the foremost organizations in the US for plussers, 50 and above.

With its mission of catering to the needs of their stakeholders in different avenues such as financial well-being, health and other social needs, it has developed its own FREE app for the further benefit of its members.

Its app allows all members to stay connected with relevant news bits, AARP events, membership discounts and benefits, and access to its programs and services. That way, users can maximize all the benefits from AARP without missing important updates and information useful to them.

Non-members can also download and install the app and experience its basic features, and in the event one wishes to sign-up for membership, there is an in-app signup page to apply for membership.

We found these 5 apps that can make one’s iPad experience better because of their practical features and benefits for daily life. Some of which you might already have pre-installed in your gadget already, but have never used once. The others are less popular ones, but truly give much value to its users.

We at iPad Hero wish you always a delightful iPad experience!

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